Jelly Roll Morton, Inventor Of Jazz, Online Book by Alan Lomax

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one at all, so long as he attracted attention to himself/' one critic observed. Others, however, saw that Jelly Roll, despite his bad temper, was right in standing up and shouting that his hometown was the birthplace of jazz and that the best of jazz had been made by New Orleans Negroes. The more the critics searched through the old records, the more they real­ized that Jelly Roll had to this extent told the truth, even if this phraseology was purple.
Mister Handy disposed of, Jelly looked around for another publicity break. He saw that history had put his name back into the headlines, and a passion for history took full possession of him. He sat down at his desk and began an autobiography whose opening paragraphs rolled time back to its very dawn. . . .
'The world was created by the supreme master after working six days and on the seventh day he rested. There were lots of creations that were not known to the greater masses which then lived in the Old World. The New World wasn't known until the King and Queen financed a trip for the great Christopher Columbus to go and accomplish his idea of trying to find a short cut to some other country, which was India. Columbus was lost en route and was almost assassinated for his determination to continue on his journey. Accidentally he spied land after many months journey on the high seas. This was the New World, another of God's crea­tions, a large area of beautiful land, of seas, lakes, rivers, climates, etc., finally known as America.
"This land grew tremendously populated and was build up at a tremendous rate of speed. People of every nationality settled in this vast haven. France was the owner of one of the most historical states in the country, a state named Louisiana. In the southwest central part of this state was the greatest city in this country, the